Professional Equality Index 2021

Coexya shares its results in the professional equality Index between men and women: 81/100

The index’s result shows our commitment to the equality at work, since it is directly a part of our values.

Equal treatment between women and men at work, implies the respect of various principles by the employer: 

  • Prohibition of any kind of discrimination in the recruitment,
  • The absence of any kind of differentiation in term of remuneration and carrier track,
  • Obligations toward employee representatives (by providing information about professional equality into the economic and social data based, negotiations),
  • Information for employees and candidates for employment and implementation of measures to prevent sexual harassment in the company.

81/100: The equality index in professional sphere between men and women of Coexya France

This index relies on 5 pillars: 


Remuneration gap between men-women


Salary raise repartition gap


Promotion repartition gap


Parity among the 10th highest remuneration


Amount of employees coming back after their pregnancy leave

Index non cumulated in 2020