Dematerialisation solutions for intellectual property processes

Intellectual property rights management software for national offices and international organisations.


Intellectual property as a driver of innovation


Intellectual property refers to all intellectual assets that can be effectively protected through copyright, patents, trademarks, designs and models. They are critical to the emergence of an innovative and creative environment.

Intellectual property rights are tools in the fight against counterfeiting and unfair competition and allow their creator to reap the benefits and moral recognition.

As factors of innovation, the management and protection of these rights is are essential because they enable the fight against unfair competition and contribute to the value of companies.

How to deal with prior art search, monitoring and management of intellectual property rights?

Coexya’s SIP business unit is dedicated to the development of solutions and products for the intellectual property market. This division has a staff of about 50 people, all of whom are involved in the design and development of solutions for the digitisation of intellectual property rights management processes through products, services and consulting.

Coexya is a publisher of intellectual property rights management software

Our double expertise , business expertise and technological knowledge have given rise to several specialised software solutions:

Ptolemy by Coexya and Acsepto by Coexya are the two main customised software solutions that provide services to national offices as well as to agents and private companies. They represent the core of the IPR process management system and provide their services through web applications. Beyond the administration of procedures and files, they equip organisations with end-to-end digital business tools.

These solutions support our clients in :

  • Filing and registration/processing of patents, trademarks, designs and models,
  • Maintaining industrial property rights and managing associated fees and charges
  • Prior rights searches or preliminary searches, in particular for trademark logos
  • Management and development of intellectual property rights
  • Archiving, classification and dissemination of patent documentation 
  • Search and classification of patents, trademarks, designs and domain names, with reference to the international classifications administered by WIPO

Our intellectual property rights management software

Our solution Acsepto by Coexya

Acsepto by Coexya, intellectual property rights management software for national offices and international organisations.

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Our solution Ptolemy by Coexya

Ptolemy by Coexya, intellectual property rights management software for national offices and international organizations.

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Coexya has a double expertise for your intellectual property rights management solutions

The combination of business knowledge and IT know-how allows us to offer customised business application development services, taking advantage of our numerous innovation and R&D projects. The support of the Coexya group and its skills centres also provides us with the assurance of state-of-the-art developments in all the technological components required by our customers (Cloud, Green IT, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, etc.). Thus, for more than 25 years, we have developed an expertise and taken charge of numerous projects for various clients throughout the world.

They already work with us

Coexya SIP provides services to international agents, governments through industrial property offices and institutes, as well as to intellectual property divisions within private companies.


At France's Institut National de Propriété Intellectuel, new technologies, particularly artificial intelligence, are being used to industrialize processes. Coexya has provided a solution to help index trademark logos based on these technologies in 2021.


The UK Intellectual Property Office takes up the challenge of trademark clearance with Acsepto by Coexya solutions. Multi-parametric verbal and figurative confrontation of new trademarks enables prior analysis and examination against a pool of several million existing elements.


The comprehensive modernization of the Malaysian Intellectual Property Office's rights management system has been led by our teams since 2017. The maintenance and legislative evolution of this dynamic system are ensured by multi-year contracts, a sign of renewed mutual trust.


The Norwegian Intellectual Property Office is constantly striving for innovation and efficiency. Our teams have been responding to this recurring challenge, while maintaining intellectual property rights management systems for day-to-day operating needs, for almost 20 years.


Multi-year agreements have been signed with the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ) for the maintenance and evolution of all the country's intellectual property rights management systems. Our teams work closely with the business analysts to continuously improve the system and ensure maximum efficiency in monitoring legislative developments and making tools available to the general public.


In order to be at the cutting edge of efficiency in the management of intellectual property rights, the Cyprus Intellectual Property Section has chosen the Ptolemy by Coexya and Acsepto by Coexya solutions since 2006. Renewed confidence and maintenance of the systems by Coexya's specialized teams.


Since 2013, Colombia's industrial property office (under the responsibility of the Superintendencia por Industria y Commercio) has relied on Coexya to implement and maintain its intellectual property rights management system, as well as its trademark prior art search system.


One of our first customers was the Intellectual Property Office in Ireland. It chose to digitize its system with early versions of Ptolemy for intellectual property rights and trademark clearance with Acsepto. More than 20 years later, Coexya is still the supplier of the updated system and associated maintenance.


The Swedish Intellectual Property Office remains at the forefront of trademark prior art searches, placing its trust in Coexya and its Acsepto by Coexya solution. This renewed confidence has led to the installation of Acsepto version 11 in 2022.