Our commitments

Taking a responsible approach

The well-being of our employees and setting an example in terms of management, ethics and sustainable development are among our priorities. We also encourage our suppliers and partners to act in accordance with the values and principles to which we are committed. Over the coming years, we are committed to launching new initiatives while consolidating our current practices, so that they are more effective and measurable.

  • 01

    Guaranteeing the diversity and well-being of our employees

  • 02

    Limiting our environmental impact

  • 03

    Supporting ethical approaches

Manifeste RSE

Discover our CSR manifesto

Discover our CSR approach, the pillars that underpin our actions and our major commitments in terms of social and economic responsibility.

Our "raison d'être"
Promoting innovation and progress while respecting people and the planet

Discover our CSR report in french

We are committed to providing transparent information on our environmental and social footprint.


Respect the 10 principles of the Global Compact

Through this commitment, we are affirming our determination to defend the 10 principles relating to respect for human rights, international labour standards, the environment and the fight against corruption.

Ecovadis assessment

EcoVadis provides an independent assessment of the performance of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) management system.

Top 25% of companies

With a score of 61/100, Coexya is in the top 25% of all companies assessed by Ecovadis.

Gender equality index

In accordance with the provisions of the Professional Future Law, which aims to eliminate the pay gap between men and women, we publish our gender equality index annually.

For 2023, Coexya’s Gender Equality Index is 91/100.

We are continuing and affirming our commitment to diversity and professional equality within our teams.

More information

Certification ISO/IEC 27001

Depuis 2019, Coexya fait partie des 328* entreprises françaises certifiées ISO/IEC 27001, norme internationale pour le management de la sécurité de l’information. Cette certification garantit la protection, l’amélioration ainsi que la performance de notre système de gestion de l’information (SMSI).

Elle atteste de notre engagement et de notre implication à garantir le meilleur niveau de protection des données de nos clients et de nos collaborateurs.

* Source : ISO Survey 2019


Third-party cybersecurity assessment

In order to demonstrate its application of best security practices, in 2021 Coexya took part, at the request of one of its Customers, in the assessment of its level of maturity in terms of cybersecurity by the CyberVadis organisation and obtained a score of 826/1000.

This assessment provides our customers with a precise and objective demonstration of our maturity in dealing with cybersecurity risks.

Code de conduite

Supplier Code of Conduct

Our partners and suppliers play a major role in our success. That's why we want to share our commitment to sustainable development with them and involve them alongside us in a responsible approach.
