An E-health portal for the Pleiades interregional association
Coexya has developed a unique and interconnected portal for health professionals
Coexya is developing the Portail PS for the Ile-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Guyana regions, with support from the association, Pléiades.
Thanks to this portal, which acts as a single access point, the professional can access the various healthcare options in a region in a secure manner, depending on their authorisations.
They can use different authentication methods (CPS card, e-CPS, OTP, Login password), which will make available all or some of the services depending on the authentication method used.
The PS portal uses an SSO mechanism to allow the various client applications to manage authentication without reconnection and authentication. In other words, once authenticated on the portal the professional can access all the applications without any further authentication.
In this respect, the PS portal manages different connection tokens, such as SAML V2, CAS, or OpenIdConnect.
Finally, the PS Portal is strongly linked to the national repositories of the Agence du Numérique en Santé’s (Digital Health Agency) repositories, especially the health directory.
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